Changes in the legislation on the development of small and medium businesses

In accordance with the amendments made to the Federal Law №209-FZ «On the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Russian Federation» from 24.07.2007 joint-stock companies, as well as other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can independently record additional information about themselves into the Unified Register of small and medium-sized enterprises (Register of SMEs). This largely facilitates finding contractors for customers. Following information can be added to the Register of SMEs: about output and provided services, experience in the execution of contract operations, participation in partner programs, as well as contact information (e-mail and website, telephone).

The Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS of the RF), which is authorized to maintain the Register of SMEs, recorded the information into it on joint stock companies that meet the requirements for the share in capital, the average number of employees and the income from entrepreneurial activity for the previous calendar year. As a reminder, the main criteria of the referring to subjects of SMEs, established by the Government of the RF and being in force in 2017:

Category of the subject of SMEs Volume of revenue over a year net of VAT, mln RUB Average number of employees
Micro-sized enterprise 120 up to 15
Small-sized enterprise 800 up to 100
Medium-sized enterprise 2000 up to 250

At the moment the Register of SMEs is formed from data available in the FTS of Russia as of July 1, 2017. Information in the register is also received from the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, from authorized organizations such as Skolkovo Foundation, the Moscow Stock Exchange and 35 holders of shareholders' registers of joint-stock companies.

As of September 10, 2017, in total 5 695 609 subjects were registered in the Register of SMEs, including micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (Picture 1)

Picture 1. The ratio of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in the Unified Register of small and medium-sized enterprises, according to data of the FTS of the RF Picture 1. The ratio of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in the Unified Register of small and medium-sized enterprises, according to data of the FTS of the RF

The largest number of the subjects of SMEs is located in Moscow and St. Petersburg (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Distribution of subjects of small and medium-sized enterprises by 10 regions of Russia, according to data of the FTS of the RF (amount, %) Picture 2. Distribution of subjects of small and medium-sized enterprises by 10 regions of Russia, according to data of the FTS of the RF (amount, %)

Subscribers of the Information and analytical system Globas have the opportunity to check their counterparts for their belonging to subjects of SMEs.

Return on investment of the largest Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment

Information agency Credinform represents the ranking of the largest Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment. The enterprises with the largest volume of annual revenue (TOP-10) were selected for the ranking, according to the data from the Statistical Register for the latest available periods (for 2014 and 2015). Then they were ranked by the return on investments (Table 1). The analysis was made based on data of the Information and analytical system Globas.

Return on investment (ROI ratio, %) is calculated as a ratio of net profit (loss) to the value of net assets. The indicator characterizes the level of profitability from investments, i.e. the amount of monetary units required by an enterprise for receiving one monetary unit of net profit. With the help of this indicator it is possible to assess the advisability of raising of borrowed funds at a certain percent.

Normative values for profitability indicators are not provided, because they vary, depending on the industry, in which an enterprise operates. The indicators of each particular company should be considered in comparison with industry indicators.

For getting of the most comprehensive and fair picture of the financial standing of an enterprise it is necessary to pay attention to all combination of company’s indicators and financial ratios.

Table 1. Net profit, revenue, return on investment (ROI ratio,%), solvency index Globas of the largest Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment (TOP-10)
Name, INN, region Net profit, mln RUB. * Revenue, mln RUB * ROI ratio, % Solvency index Globas
2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
INN 7804157910 Vladimir region
944 1 191 1 041 9 344 9 577 10 989 24,68 213 High
INN 5904184047 Perm territory
10 465 115 19 325 21 422 23 517 20,14 263 High
INN 3306007697 Vladimir region
49 526 345 8 473 10 518 11 064 18,96 206 High
INN 7722018271 Moscow
352 206 135 8 472 8 505 7 628 14,93 226 High
INN 5075018950 Moscow region
2 096 2 471 7 330 97 690 80 695 82 415 13,97 186 The highest
INN 1648032420 Republic of Tatarstan
-44 416 н/д 5 886 9 942 н/д 6,86 173 The highest
INN 4823005682 Lipetsk region
-101 280 963 16 277 16 473 18 737 2,75 223 High
INN 7716523950 Moscow
3 5 -261 9 002 8 917 10 594 0,17 242 High
INN 6313009980 Samara region
-110 -673 -3 037 18 718 15 541 13 807 -6,79 293 High
INN 7819301797 St. Petersburg
-926 -531 426 8 005 10 118 30 964 -42,22 293 High
Total by TOP-10 companies 2 272 4 355   201 193 191 709      
Average value by TOP-10 companies 227 436   20 119 19 171   5,35  
Industry average value 2 16   192 179   6,82  

*)Data for 2016 are provided for reference.

The average indicator of the return on investment of TOP-10 companies is below the industry average. Two firms have a negative value of the indicator. Eight from the TOP-10 companies reduced revenue or net profit in 2015 - 2016 in comparison with the previous period or have losses (are marked with red filling in columns 3, 4, 6 and 7 in Table 1).

Picture 1. Return on investment ratio (ROI ratio,%) and revenue of the largest Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment (TOP-10) Picture 1. Return on investment ratio (ROI ratio,%) and revenue of the largest Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment (TOP-10)

The industry average values of the ROI ratio in the period 2006 - 2015 reflect macroeconomic trends, decreasing during crisis developments (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Change in the average industry values of the return on investment ratio of Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment in 2006 - 2015 Picture 2. Change in the average industry values of the return on investment ratio of Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment in 2006 - 2015

All TOP-10 companies got the highest or high solvency index Globas, that testifies to their ability to repay their debt obligations timely and fully.